Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I have found a project

It seems the quiet will not last.

And I'm ok with that.

I am often asked for copies of my recipe or links to them etc. I love to share and have no trouble doing so. Half the fun is sharing. It was suggested though that maybe I compile a collection of all the recipes I have redacted so far and used at events into a cookbook.

So many ideas and questions:
Should I print just my redactions?
Include the original recipe or just the source?
How to 'sort' the recipes? By country? By date?
In a more 'modern' format? ie meat, veg, dessert, etc...

Where to have it printed? I know I will fo with an online source.
I will likely have all the books sent to me and then ship them individually to their recipients. Excel here I come! lol.

Looks like I will have to learn to format lol!!

I will need a bit of clip art or other free donated art, and a cover.


  1. Ich habe hier gute Erfahrungen gemacht zum Thema Druck. Du benötigst ein pdf und sie drucken dir das dann in gewünschter Anzahl.

  2. Ich würde, wenn möglich, das Original Rezept mit abbilden.
    Sortierung modern mit "tags" oder einer tabellarischen Übersicht am Ende nach Jahrhundert und nach Land, so dass man dort nachschlagen und sich dann das Rezept raussuchen kann.
