Thursday, June 7, 2018

A silver anniversary

June marks 25 years that Drachenwald has been a Kingdom, it also marks my being in the SCA for 25 years, and to celebrate both of these things I will be cooking. It may seem odd to most people to be excited to celebrate by cooking for 120 people but I'm not the average person.

So, the logical question now is what am I cooking? Let me answer that for you.

I have prepared the menu for Friday lunch, Saturday lunch and Saturday's celebratory feast.  While the lunch menus are comprised of tried and true recipes, the feast will bring all new flavors to the tables.

Now the menu:

May eggs

Moorish eggplant
Armored capon
Rice casserole

Pork in lemon sauce
Soup of peas

Pickled game
Preserved beets

Fritters of spinach

Candied lamb
Crowned triangles

Desserts will be on a sideboard.
Tart of strawberries
Tart of plums
Custard fritter
Fried figs
Crostata of peaches

The recipes are all from the 16th century and represent 7 of the countries of Drachenwald.

Germany, England, France, Spain, Denmark, Italy and the Ottoman empire.

While I redacted most of the recipes myself, I sought outside help for 3 of them.

The candied lamb and crowned triangles come from Urtatim al-Qurtubiyya bint abd'  al-Karim al-Fass of the Principality of the Mists in the Kingdom of the West.

The pork in lemon sauce comes from Drachenwald's own Master Giano Balestriere.

I chose each of these people based on recommendations and experiences with them. I understand my own allergies tint how I look at recipes as well as what I choose to cook and redact. In most cases this is not a problem but in such a case as the feast where I wanted a wide variety of dishes I turned to those with the experience to provide what I could not.

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