Friday, October 19, 2018

Recipe 7 Pickled Game (again with more notes)

I recently made this a second time in order to achieve the full effect of the pickling. I
coated the roasts in fat and used my oven in order to cook them.
220c for 20 min and an extra 10 min per 500 gm at 150c for a med rare, if you want it
more well done 15 min per 500 gm. For Crown tournament I prepared the meat 1
week in advance.

When increasing the amounts you do not need to multiply everything. for the "brine"
you need enough to cover it. for 7kg of meat I used 3 liters of vinegar and 2 liters of
honey. Some people may like it sweeter.

Spices are approximate as it may take more or less to get coverage of the meat.
When laying out the meat I used store bought ground clove instead of grinding it
myself. I did the same with the mace and used a pepper mill to crush the pepper
for the layers as well.

Koge Blog, 1616 Salomone Sartorio, Denmark
PDF from

Original: Page 11, recipe 11
Several kinds of game roasts to pickle
Take the game as it is larded/dripping’ed and well fried, let it go cold. Thereafter take
as much vinegar as can cover the same game, and also honey that is cleared, scummed
and well cleaned. Put as much of the same honey in the vinegar as you want it to be
sweet. In the same manner put in half crushed pepper, whole cloves and nutmeg flowers
crushed between the hands. Let it seethe well together half an hour. Thereafter pass the
same decoction through a hair sieve or a clean cloth. Take some of the same herbs with
thyme, marjoram, half crushed pepper and sprinkle in the bottom of the vessel the
Vildbrand should be put into. And then a layer of roast, then herbs again, and then
another layer of which you have any left, and put the decoction over it. Keep it well
covered with a lean cloth. When you want to use the roast don't pick it up with bare hands,
but with a fork so that what remains isn't spoiled and ruined. When you want to put the
roast on the table then pour the same sauce over it, as much as is needed.

My redaction
Pickled game meats
1 kg roast ( boar, deer, moose, elk, etc)
1 liter Vinegar
1 liter Honey
100 gm Peppercorns
30 Cloves, whole
1 Tablespoons Mace
2 Tablespoon Thyme, dry
2 Tablespoon Marjoram, dry

Roast the meat in the normal fashion
Cool and slice
Half crush half the peppercorns with the cloves add with made to the honey and vinegar
Simmer for ½ of an hour and strain
½crush the rest of the pepper and  mix with the thyme and marjoram
Sprinkle the bottom of your container ( non metal‼‼ ) with the new spice blend
Layer meat with a sprinkle of spice between each layer.
Cover with cooled vinegar mixture. Make sure the meat is completely submerged.
Cover with a cloth.

To serve: remove the meat and serve with a bit of the brine.

Note: it is not stated explicitly in the recipe if this is Served cold or warmed. My assumption
is that it is served at room / cellar temperature.

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