So, I have just completed another event. It was great fun, low stress and tasty. At least that is what I keep being told. From my end everything was fine with only one minor snag that was easily and quickly rectified. Thank you Agilmar and Nicole! I will post more on this and recipes later. Right now I will just post the menu.
Friday night:
Lentils : made with ground turkey and turkey kielbasa
Saturday Breakfast
Brotchen, butter, salami, ham, cheese, nutella, jam and oatmeal made overnight in a crock pot :)
Saturday Lunch
Mushroom pie, cheese pie, kale pie, soup of chickpeas, waffers and salad.
Saturday Coffee
Peascods (medieval fig newtons), Tart of cream (with 2 flavored sugars ginger and cinnamon), and Elizabethan ginger bread.
Saturday Supper
Pears of meat, sop of onions,beans yfried, tart of rice, and Asparagus.