Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Thoughts on Peerage from the #LongestVigilEver

 Being given a writ during a pandemic has had some upsides and one of them really has been the time to reflect on what it means to me to be a peer and what sort of peer do *I* want to be. The thoughts come and go and I try to track them the best I can (Thank you Johanna for the best book ever!!). As I was chatting with a friend the other day I shared with her what I am going to share now.

Many talk about a path to peerage and the journey they are on. I myself have even referred to it as such, but it has really struck me that all my work and my apprenticeship has not been a path or a journey. Peerage is not the destination or the end. What is it then? The work I have done to get here is my 'packing phase' I have gathered my tools and resources. Saved my money and chosen a 'way'. All of the work up until my writ was just to get me to my front door. My journey, my path, starts when I take on the mantle of peerage and walk out the door. Along the way I will meet others either gathering their own tools and supplies or who have headed out their own doors and have taken to the open road. I look forward to those I will me along the way. Peerage is not a destination, it is the start of a journey.

Monday, January 11, 2021

A lot of on line teaching

 Most of us have had to make shifts in how we display and teach our arts because of the pandemic. Me, I have been teaching on line and will continue to do that. I taught at the Drachenwald University in November and enjoyed myself (for the most part) It was an on line event but really ended up with a full event feel. We had court, and a ball and classes galore. After court they opened up a room and breakout rooms for people to just hang out and chat in... it was lovely! i look forward to doing that again. 

I have 3 events coming up that I will teach at. In February I will teach at Atlantia's University. I will teach my Scappi class again and a 'Care and Feeding of Vegetarians' class. In March I will teach an as yet undetermined class for an online event hosted by Polderslot (The group in the Netherlands). I was just in contact with their coordinator and am sure we will settle soon what they would like. In April I will teach at yet another on line event called 'To Uncrown a King' Hosted by Insulae Draconis ( the UK group). There I will talk about 'Two Fifteenth Century Cookbooks'. I look forward to researching more about the food of that time in England as so far I have only really looked at Italy in the 15th century.

Just an update of what I am doing and where to find me if you have an interest. You can always just drop me a message here and I would be happy to make a date to talk food.

Take care, Be safe and eat well.